#46 The Fault in Our Stars

The Fault In Our Stars

First and foremost, let me say that I rated The Fault in Our Stars with 5 full, magnificent stars.

Sigh. I have been putting off writing this review because well, “my thoughts are stars I can’t fathom into constellations”. HA! But really, I’ve been trying earnestly to think of what I want to say about this unfathomable/incredible/unbelievable novel by the heartbreaking author, John Green, for quite some time. I mean how can I honestly put into words what I felt at the hands of this paperback?  I guess I’ll start by saying that I’ve always been a huge fan of John Green. Even though prior to reading The Fault in Our Stars, I had only read one of his books, Looking For Alaska (which I have read countless times). There is just something about his writing that makes you feel. I absolutely hate that his novels can make you laugh with one sentence and be crying like a baby the next. But that’s also why I love him.

“The world is not a wish-granting factory.”

The Fault in Our Stars is indubitably one of those books on my short list of BEST BOOKS EVER. I fell in love with Augustus Waters, how could anyone not?  And found bits and pieces of myself in Hazel Grace’s character. Which is why I enjoy reading John Green, he creates characters that almost anyone can resonate with. I often get attached to the characters in the fiction I read, The Fault in Our Stars was no exception. If anything, I may have become a little too attached to Green’s characters. Which would explain why when I went to see the movie adaptation, I was crying by the time the opening scene appeared. Yes, I realize it’s fiction and Hazel and Gus are not real people, but a good book can make it feel like they are real.

“You gave me a forever within the numbered days, and I’m grateful.”

If you haven’t already read The Fault in Our Stars, (which would be absolutely crazy, why haven’t you read it yet?) pick it up as soon as possible. It’s a relatively easy read, once you secure a box of tissues, and is only 313 beautiful pages. My copy is dog-eared and full of highlighted strips, just the way a incredible novel should be.

“Pain is like fabric: The stronger it is, the more it’s worth.”

2 thoughts on “#46 The Fault in Our Stars

  1. I bought the book recently but I haven’t read it yet (nor have I read anything by John Green, actually (!)) I just hope nobody spoils the ending for me before I get a chance to read it. Have you seen the movie yet (you might have mentioned it in your review, so I’m sorry if I overlooked it.) I think Shailene Woodley did a good job in “The Descendants,” so she should be good in this too.

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  2. I highly recommend reading the novel before watching the film! I’ve seen the movie numerous times… I’m very impressed with how well the producers followed the text. There were some aspects of the novel that really resonated with me, however, they were overlooked when it came to the movie. I strongly believe two people can read the same book and have two completely different experiences, which is why I think some of the things I loved about the novel didn’t make it into the production. There is always something us readers would change or make better when it comes to films based off movies. I’ve come to expect the worse, however, “The Fault in Our Stars” was really a pleasant surprise.


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